
The Hair Growth Cycle is the all-important mechanism regulating hair growth on the scalp. Normally, each individual hair strand follows its own hair cycling schedule, completely independent of other hairs on the scalp.
During a normal Hair Growth Cycle, specialised components called proteoglycans play an important role in the normal cycling mechanism of the hair follicle.
At any given time, 10-15% of your hair is shedding. This is completely natural and part of a normal Hair Growth Cycle.
Approximately 85-90% of the hair is actively growing at any given time.
Average duration: 3 years, but can be longer.
Approximately 1% of hair is in this phase at any given time. The hair’s nutrient vessel, the dermal papilla, disconnects from the follicle and brings the growth phase to an end – afterwards the hair is shed.
Average duration: 1-2 weeks only.
Approximately 10-15% of hair is in this phase at any given time. Once the hair reaches its full growth potential, it sits inactive in the follicle until released. The follicle then produces a new hair, thereby beginning a new growth phase and completing the cycle.
Average duration: 3-4 months.

Regardless of the hair loss cause or the hair growth issue, the Hair Growth Cycle is almost always affected. A disruption to the normal Hair Growth Cycle can cause both increased shedding and weaker regrowth, leading to thin and wispy hair.
The consequences of a disrupted Hair Growth Cycle are often:

The duration of the growth phase is shortened and the entire Hair Growth Cycle becomes affected.
When the growth phase is shortened, the hair follicle enters the transition phase earlier than normal.
As more hairs enter the resting phase prematurely, the normal resting phase becomes prolonged, causing increased shedding. A prolonged resting phase means that fewer hair follicles re-enter the growth phase, which results in weaker or no regrowth (these are often referred to as dormant hair follicles).
The goal of any professional hair treatment approach, no matter the cause, type or hair growth issue, is to normalise and restore the Hair Growth Cycle.
During a normal Hair Growth Cycle, specialised components called proteoglycans play an important role in the hair follicle’s normal cycling mechanism. Marilex®-P contains high proportions of specific papillary proteoglycans which are critical to hair follicle growth and cycling.
Hair Growth+ inCLINIC, with the unique Marilex®-P, is a scientifically developed Proteoglycan Replacement Therapy that promotes the Hair Growth Cycle by normalising and maintaining the overall life and function of the hair follicles.
To ensure the optimal function of the Hair Growth Cycle, users are advised to follow a course for a minimum period of 6 months for optimal results.